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Die Aktivitaeten in den ecomstation.ru foren steigen

2001-10-15 03:00:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

Foren: Gaestebuch, BugReport fuer IBM, CooLFM, EMX/doc enthaelt einige russische messages. Nehmt teil an unserer Diskussion. Sammelt euere Probleme - redet darueber in den foren!

Willkommen zu

2001-10-11 17:28:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.ru laedt zu einem Besuch des "BugReport to IBM" forum wo wir bugreports sammeln und aufbereiten wollen fuer IBM . Sergey Sedov kommtiert diesen event.
(russian edition)

New survey in eComStation.ru

2001-10-07 15:25:18 -- Deniska [www.ecomstation.ru]

To determine direction of future development of our site, we start new survey. Subject of survey: "Do you want to receive news related to eComStation in your native language?". Support us if you really need our service.

UpdCD usage

2001-10-05 18:27:20 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Viktor I. Kovshik]

"OS/2 Warp Merlin 4,5 boots by itself".

Author: Viktor I. Kovshik.

URL: http://ecomstation.ru/showart.php?id=30 (russian edition).

Cloning OS/2. Save your time, nerves and money in the long run

2001-10-05 18:23:05 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Kazarinov]

Instead of reinstalling OS/2 and OS/2 software after hardware upgrade, we will try to use F5 button in FC. :)

Author: Eugene Kazarinov.

URL: http://ecomstation.ru/showart.php?id=29>.

Useful information for owners of digicams

2001-10-05 18:17:54 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Andrei A. Porodko]

How To Arrange your photos?

Andrei A. Porodko talks how to use ppwizard and make handy photo album.

URL: http://ecomstation.ru/showart.php?id=28.


2001-10-03 19:21:01 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Andrei A. Porodko]

This message available to Russian visitors only.


2001-10-03 19:10:00 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Gorbunoff]

This message is available only in Russian language.

New forums and collections in ecomstation.ru

2001-10-03 19:07:08 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Gorbunoff]

BugReports for IBM, forums of your favorite applications, job offerings, screenshots and attributes of eCS.

We invite you to participate in new forums

2001-10-02 16:34:48 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Gorbunoff]

Create your own forum in ecomstation.ru

If you want to communicate with users of your application then welcome to ecomstation.ru site.

The most easy and effective way to chat with your friends is to create on-line forum. Send us subject of forum, conditions of its functionality. We will open it immediately.

Contact e-mail: eg@ecomstation.ru.

Surveys mechanizm is functioning in ecomstation.ru

2001-10-02 16:04:15 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Gorbunoff]

Ecomstation.ru site is ready to provide surveys according to your order.

If you need to collect statistics related to eCS and OS/2 or investigate market demand for new application then you can use our surveys mechanizm. Send us title of survey, its preamble, answer variants. We will start your survey if there is not contradictions with law and rights of another people and companies. We will ensure high attendance of your survey.

GДstebuch in ecomstation.ru

2001-10-01 13:46:50 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru, Deniska]

Falls Sie Anregungen oder Kritiken zu ecomstation.ru haben, sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, das in unser GДstebuch zu schreiben.

Survey about CooLFM

2001-10-01 13:37:10 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru]

New version of CooLFM is under construction. Help us to determine main direction of future development. Take part in survey: http://ecomstation.ru/poll.php?action=show&id=2.

Appeal to developers of projects allocated in ecomstation.ru

2001-10-01 13:36:37 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.ru]

We recommend you to translate web-pages with descriprion of your product to english language. This will increase quantity of users of your product.

Igor Vanin (igor@ecomstation.ru);
Eugene Gorbunoff (eg@ecomstation.ru).

Logo of ecomstation.ru

2001-09-25 15:32:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

We invite you to invent logo of ecomstation.ru site (using ASCII-symbols). We will use it to mark news messages and documents.

New article at site

2001-09-24 12:34:47 -- Deniska [www.ecomstation.ru, Deniska]

We are publishing "XWorkplace: What's Inside?" (please, note, this artice is in Russian). We are trying to cover some features of this project.

URL: http://ecomstation.ru/showart.php?id=25

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