You can integrate the support of named pipes into your multimedia application (source code)
(Instructions for developers of applications)
Format of *.app files:
[ECOCRC] | important header |
name=coolfm | unique name of application, it is used as key |
pipe=\PIPE\COOLFMCONTROL | name of control pipe. all commands are forwarded to the pipe |
start=coolfm.cmd | if CRC can't write to pipe then it starts the application using this script |
type=fm | type of application (fm|tv|audiocd|video|audio) |
thumb=coolfm%d.png | picture for CRC menu |
suspend=$mute | if application receives suspend then it should mute, hide window, stop CPU usage, etc. |
resume=$unmute | if application receives resume then it can enable sound, restore fullscreen, etc. |
Notes, suspend/resume:
Users may desire to change the active application. There is no need quit the program. Your application should mute sound or stop CPU usage if decoding video.
Some plugins support .lst files
* [variables] section is obligatory. [generic] is important too.
Use this names for events:
VOLUP= VOLDOWN= PLAYSTOP= WIFIOFF= WIFION= BRD14= BRD13= BRD12= BRD11= BRD10= BRD09= BRD08= BRD07= BRD06= BRD05= BRD04= BRD03= BRD02= BRD01= BRD00= BRU01= BRU02= BRU03= BRU04= BRU05= BRU06= BRU07= BRU08= BRU09= BRU10= BRU11= BRU12= BRU13= BRU14= BRU15= POPA= LCDON=